Cake Batter Popcorn

cake batter popcorn

I made this popcorn a couple of times last summer whenever Lucas and I went to outdoor movies together (we both have major sweet-tooths). It’s pretty simple, the one real issue is making sure that the white chocolate doesn’t clump or burn, and very delicious (as long as you like white chocolate). That being said, my roommate would disagree, mostly because she hates color, sugar, fun, and happiness.

birthday cake popcorn

Ingredients (so simple!)

  • Popcorn
  • White chocolate or almond bark squares
  • Rainbow sprinkles


  1. Pop your popcorn and separate out unpopped kernels. I stupidly bought microwave popcorn, momentarily forgetting that we don’t actually have a microwave in our new apartment. If you’re also handicapped, don’t worry, you can pop popcorn in a room pot on the stove top, just add a little oil and make sure to shake the corn and watch it carefully.
  2. Melt the white chocolate. You can either melt in the microwave (although you have to be very watchful) or create a double boiler on your stove top. To make a double boiler, heat up a pot of water and place a bowl (metal or glass works fine) on top of the pot. As the water heats up and begins to gently boil, place the chopped up chocolate in the bowls.
  3. Toss the popcorn in the white chocolate. Once the chocolate is fully melted, toss the popcorn and chocolate together in a bowl, and spread over waxed paper. Before the chocolate dries, sprinkle the popcorn liberally with sprinkles.
  4. Break and serve the popcorn. To speed up drying time, put your popcorn in the fridge or freezer. Once it’s hardened, break apart the popcorn and put it either in bowls to serve or bags to store. Enjoy!

birthday cake popcorn
I made this batch to serve at my housewarming party as a cute, sweet snack and took the leftovers to see Wall-E as an outdoor movie on Monday night. I love how sweet it is – and how happy the rainbow sprinkles make me feel.

birthday cake popcorn

